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    Hmmmm - something doesn't seem right here???
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  • I go out of my way to spend time outside no matter the weather...so I get lots of sun light…
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  • BlogAd critique....my $0.02....from a regular local campaign background worker. - The ad itself is sort of interesting...I look at it…
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  • That is a marvellous picture  - I absolutely love it! Thank you Janet!
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  • No traffic because of the holidays and the parking lot is empty....I think I'm going to enjoy driving today and…
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  • Need to get ready for work and zip down to the office! See you all on the flip side of…
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  • Link to photo of Balthray Standing Stones I'm never sure if links or photos are filtered for some stuff....
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  • Geez though - 50 miles an hour on that road is risky! We are on the other side - out…
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  • That looks similar to a rock here in Marin out by the Lucas Film Ranch I love the big rocks…
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  • I'm usually up between 4 and 5:30am depending on the insomnia...only difference is I turned on the computer monitor this…
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  • Coffee and buffet are served!
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  • That is most excellent news! Super happy holidays for Jerome and family!
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  • Yes - we are on the north side.... Here's one for your memories today
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  • Yep - we'll do Christmas day with the grandkidlets and then leave mid-day on the 26th. This University job is…
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  • It's raining here in Northern California...I like a campfire with the best of them, but today I'll take my coffee…
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  • And what might we have for our newest froglet??? No gift basket...but we will definitely have some cheery surprises!
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  • Is it lunch time yet? Cold cereal isn't going to be the same after thinking about linguini this morning!  ;^P
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  • If it's all the same to you I'll stay inside where it's warm and watch! Happy Tuesday morning Manee! btw…
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  • Thank you for being here.... Peace and joy of the season be with you always.
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  • May joy surround you this year and bring you all the love that you give. Ask questions anytime my sister…
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