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    The BooTrib swing left blues band... we made beautiful music together. 🙂
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  • I'm not gonna correct you at all, I agree. I just can't abide the hateful rhetoric against members of this…
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  • We were sent in on an unsuccessful UN peacekeeping mission.
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  • Jesus fucking Buddha. We've been through this for the last however many days. We all have different opinions of what…
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  • And thanks for the troll rating. Please, wrack 'em up.
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  • Selective reading/ interpreting on display again. I said "I tried to engage Tracy and that this thread was the last…
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  • I saw this last night and it was along the same lines I was thinking which is why I tried…
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  • Duh Tracy, that was implied in the first sentence of my post. "Canadian specialness" - what a joke you are.
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  • I said it exactly how I meant it. I don't need your editing thanks.
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  • Seriously, fuck you. You have no goddamn idea what goes on in my life or what I or my family…
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  • your and Sally's fucking bullshit hatred all over this site is poisonous. And I don't need that shit in my…
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  • Like I said, try reading Tracy. I fucking acknowledged that. Man, you sure are on a mission to not pay…
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  • Try reading. I was saying a military can be a GOOD thing for fucks sake Tracy. That liberals CAN and…
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  • Grow up. That's not what I said at all. I was trying to find common ground with you and provide…
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  • I think owning a military is fine, not least of which because you guys keep Canada from having to have…
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  • It's on a public website and now linked to, I guess to keep all this fun going (WHOOHOO! Awesome plan!),…
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  • Here are a couple, the ones my family has were written in Ukrainian and I can't find an English translation,…
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  • It wasn't haphazard actually. Stalin put a plan into action to feed the Russian people and the army. He bought…
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  • Just in terms of 1932-33 alone and the collectivization of the Ukraine, 7 million people were starved to death, which…
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  • They both were monsters responsible for the deaths of millions. I personally despise Stalin more because he robbed me of…
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