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    This is a good idea for sure, but the sad reality of Internet advertising is that traffic does not necessarily…
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  • sorry to interrupt the party with some serious bidness, but Boo needs some help, ideas and support on the FP...…
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  • great insights mm, I'd really love for us to wrap our collective experienced heads around this and help Boo and…
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  • Boo, good job with thinking outside the box. I'm not sure if the pure "exclusive content" idea would work, but…
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  • how many of those kernels of corn does he have in his mouth anyway... he looks like a chipmunk with…
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  • Kansas speaks the truth gents. I'm still trying to get those damn penguins off my back from my unfortunate comments…
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  • And notice the "Iranian threat" Why do I get the feeling the Dems, all of them, would support an attack…
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  • Oh my. Well I sure am glad the flag is safe. Perhaps she could turn her attention to, you know,…
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  • I thought he was worried Boo would steal his carrot. But sad works too. Either way, all Booman's fault.
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  • Don't feel so bad Chris. I knew Booman had lost it when he changed the frog.... what, the older one…
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  • I have to snark. Sorry, it's been holed up inside me since you posted your diary... here goes, and again,…
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  • Do you realize that all of these candidates have large and active online organizers, activists and volunteers? That they have…
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  • Well, my mom did always tell me to aim low... good to see I took her advice to heart ;)…
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  • Hi, I'm spiderleaf and I'm a pain in the butt. Oh, and a snarkaholic. And a loudmouth. Won't you please…
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  • I disagree that it is simplistic. I may not have added in the one qualifier, e.g. online and politically active,…
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  • Really? So MLK Jr. could be considered the founder of the grassroots? Netroots means one thing and this needs to…
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  • All the best Steven. Warm wishes to you and your wife. We'll be here when you get back.
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  • Language is important and this is just sick use of it. the American people have had it with this intervention.…
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  • Thanks, I appreciate that. btw, I didn't mean to imply you were consulting or part of the netroots group, just…
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  • if you endorse someone, that's your endorsement to mean what it will to who it will.  but, if you, Bowers,…
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