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    Agreed. Amazing use of the power of technology to mobilize. Unfortunately it also brings to mind Florida in 2000 where…
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  • That would be awesome. But logistically really freakin' hard to pull off. An automated system could do it, but then…
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  • Sorry bud, it ain't a secret, it's Internet marketing 101 using social networking sites... this would make a great case…
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  • There are worst places to end up. For the record, being up here does not cut down on the women/…
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  • Hey Boo, I do get all that. It just was really starting to feel raw for me. The deleted diaries…
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  • you're right, the next time I disagree with something you've written I won't say "you are mistaken", I'll say "you…
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  • back off. learn some manners. you can make a point without the name calling right? you do understand the "don't…
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  • Armando, is that you? ... lay off the insults and attacks. We don't do that here.
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  • Your knowledge astounds me. In all cases. And as for looking ridiculous... honey, you're doing yourself no favours in this…
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  • And I absolutely agree. but Boo brought this from the confines of the diaries onto the frontpage and in a…
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  • I'm glad you watched it all unfold. I actually helped 'break' the gannon story. right from the beginning. at dkos.…
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  • and.... welcome to dkos. the site owner says recommended (i.e. voted on diaries by members of the community, which are…
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  • CG... you know how much I value you. But, I have to say you are off base. Boo brought this…
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  • you are mistaken. The parallels btwn the armando and gannon 'outings' (one and actual outing and one just googling for…
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  • Well, I used that as a form of rhetoric because that was the general gist of your arugment and so…
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  • wow. so now you're embarrassed by what the members of your community want to talk about -- expectations of privacy…
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  • CookTing didn't 'connect the dots' on Armando, the NRO did. I don't think they really cared one bit about what…
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  • really, I thought I just hold a view you don't share. And as far as my comments here and elsewhere,…
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  • talk to Google then. Perhaps they'll accept Armando's wishes for that information to not be put into the public record.…
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  • seriously, I really don't want to keep wading into this shit, but your statements above are just factually incorrect. I…
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