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    de nada amigo 😉
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  • and viola... http://www.mydd.com/story/2006/6/26/191421/650
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  • Hmmm... you may be on to something here. Bush did say he spoke to god, but he never did clue…
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  • Oh man, so now I'm responsible for God crying too?? I keep telling people I'm not a lunatic, but I…
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  • Well CG, if it was global warming don't you think the gov't would be doing something about it? Telling the…
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  • And he (or the site) could barely ask for a better marketing/ PR campaigns. Think about it: ~ pre-buzz re:…
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  • Well, to be fair, you did attack him as a Republican operative first because he has a strongly different view…
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  • and I suppose by implication, since we didn't get here because of the MSM, we must have gotten here because…
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  • Ooooohhh... I miss the Sam now that I'm not in the states... not complaining abt Canuck beer or anything, just…
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  • good idea. maybe send him flowers and a puppy for good measure too... it can't hurt (well maybe the puppy…
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  • I for one don't begrudge you for going, I only wish you had more time to hang out with folks…
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  • Whoohoo! More meta fighting! I love it. Thanks CG for the tip! ... and off I go... 😉
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  • aww shucks... 😉 and for my first piece... How I learned to stop worrying and love flame wars 😛
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  • What about 'snarky sundays' 🙂
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  • okay, I'll bite... yeah, I'd bet it's him. Too hard to hide a style of communicating (incl. grammar usage, or…
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  • That's a really good question colleen. If 'outing' someone is a bannable offense then RedDan should have been banned for…
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  • Hunter confirmed that RHL was banned. And most of the other folks were banned long before the site issues popped…
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  • bookmarking this post. Blackmail my dear, blackmail... 🙂
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  • no doubt... we were trying to live vicariously through the Oil... still won't beat a nice blue and white team…
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  • thanks IVG, good to see ya as well. in fact, the beer in my hand coupled with the tune on…
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