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    Damn. Wow. Hope it's as good a piece as it sounds with notations and citations and a glossary and Blackwell…
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  • I don't think Markos is doing anything to get bloggers recognized as serious journalists. I think his site, which provided…
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  • Well, you could ask Boo, he's banned quite a few people from this site for various reasons.
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  • I'd like to throw out some more perspective. It's about the size of dkos and site metrics. I'm getting really…
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  • And there's the rub. No matter what the 'liberal' NY Times says about her, Rush's audience (i.e. the 35% rabidly…
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  • They lied and lied and lied about everything," Mr. Kerry says in an interview in his Senate office. "How many…
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  • ain't that the truthiness right there. But it's a whole new Al Gore and 2008 is his to grab. Hillary…
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  • yeah man. I actually think he's a dual, but yank first. His bro lives in Canada though... I know this…
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  • Heh (to quote armando). I think his stance right now "I'm a recovering politician" is the right one strategically. He's…
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  • You know KP, who would have figured 6 years ago that we'd all be raving about how "cool" and "hip"…
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  • I was watching On Politics yesterday and the reporters were just tearing into him for his paranoia... and of course…
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  • I admit when it was first proposed I was hesitant, but with all the great sessions, speakers and folks attending…
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  • These are the people who are said to be changing the very nature of American politics, transforming the old smoke-filled…
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  • Well, speaking as a Canadian, about a Canadian newspaper, it only made them look foolish to Canadians as no other…
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  • I dunno, what would the folks in Nuremburg say about justice or mercy for the "just following orders" defense? Me…
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  • 'nuff said. They are bleeding readership left right and centre these days as Canada continues to move further away from…
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  • He sure is. And a Canuck to boot. We like our humble superstars up here... Gretzky, Nash, Flutie (okay, Flutie…
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  • It was Al Gore in the Library with a blue dress. Just wait, this will all be his fault somehow.…
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  • It depends on how impatient we are with the 'recognition' and shaping the debate. Due to the nature of the…
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  • While all good and exciting I think we need to start working on how we focus this all back on…
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