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    Hey chick, good stuff. And I like the picture. You're human, passionate and not willing to go quietly into the…
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  • Probably why I haven't been posting as much or as active the last couple of months. Just finding it hard…
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  • One thing that makes me absolutely certain this war will happen is what's coming out of evangelical pulpits... they are…
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  • ...except when it comes to the men in our lives of course... no fun in figuring out which button to…
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  • Was I supposed to stop? Or am I just too slow for the group? Okay, hang on, I'll see what…
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  • Well at least the money would be more colourful. That would be cool eh. 😉
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  • Hell, people got more up in arms about the Chandra Levy case than they do about el Presidente. What we…
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  • I know and I can't believe that bastard is allowed to wear a SCOTUS robe... He's an amoral sociopath, a…
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  • Like caffeine. Or sex if you're a morning person... but maybe then you don't need the caffeine... or maybe you…
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  • you guys sure know how to throw a party. None of the protests I've ever been to had balloons. ;)…
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  • hehehe... okay, you caught me... I have officially walked away from all work, smoke filled bars and games of Civ…
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  • (AP)WASHINGTON - Key figures in a phone-jamming scheme designed to keep New Hampshire Democrats from voting in 2002 had regular…
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  • Do you remember where you saw it last?
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  • Bellissima M. Ductape. Truly inspiring. Muchos gracias from this Canuck for the splendid retelling of a most wonderous day. I…
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  • Well it is good to know that any questions pertaining to what the President might think about an issue is…
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  • Howdy CG! I am lurking quite nicely thank you very much 🙂 Oh, and in terms of myself, me, personally...…
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  • yeah, you gotta wonder if he knew his partner Woodward was one of them or not a) when he worked…
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  • Who would Jesus deport? The World is my neighbour Bigotry is for Bushes Put the 'us' back in the US…
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  • Did you catch StevenD's frontpage post from opening week? Or Madman's post? did they infulence your decision to see it?…
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  • It wasn't strange at all. And no, V didn't turn from straight to gay. He made quite clear he was…
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