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    My spidey senses were tingling... did someone just insult the Make Believes? Curse you olivia... you just happen to be…
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  • Congrats Boo! My fav memories/ moments for what its worth... The Two Wolves Within Getting into a fight with Ductape…
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  • Aww damn. Passwords?? First I forget to collect dues as Oui so rudely pointed out to me & then I…
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  • You know, you bring up the term predator and I had the thought that that's why I don't like prison…
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  • Absolutely. Most men are wonderful human beings. But there are some who are not. And my guess is that they…
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  • for embracing the community and encouraging an environment where we could all share our stories in order to push things…
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  • My god mythmother, I am so sorry. Words can never express how much I feel for you and your sisters.…
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  • Bless you lil for sharing your story. For using your voice. And for being an inspiration. (man I sound cheesy,…
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  • Thanks so much Indy. As I said, you and everyone else sharing their stories really caught up with me. Especially…
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  • Thanks olivia, that means a lot (and you too boran). It was hard to write, but it's my story and…
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  • Ha! That is priceless FM... I can totally get you on that one, probably why I always went with big…
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  • Now there's a George I could never want frog marched. 😉 What a cutie pie.
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  • Yes, exactly. Boys will be boys. I was sooo drunk and why on earth did I go downstairs and pass…
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  • I know, me too. I think that's what finally got me connecting all the dots in my own mind. The…
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  • yeah, that is what I meant... I was at work and just kept thinking about how much I can't stand…
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  • I don't support any of those candidates for various reasons, with the exception of Russ. But you forgot one who…
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  • She was putting on her oscar dress and dick cheney shot her.
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  • DJ I haven't known the words to express my admiration for your courage as I re-read your story today. I…
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  • Well, I was at least very glad he let us know what ever happened to bjork.
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  • that is pretty whack. very whack. but we just had a full state police funeral for a police horse. the…
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