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    Good call to action. Productive, optimistic, but grounded in real politick. We, as the progressive left, need to get out…
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  • Thanks for revising the wording, I knew what you meant, but it is phrasing that can be misconstured or considered…
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  • that's fine, but that's not what you implied by saying "the Muslims"... many, many Muslims have come out and spoken…
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  • Yeah, it really is horrible that the Muslims... all a billion and some odd of them, can't learn to get…
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  • Sorry it's been so long... I feel for you, really I do, but this is a family site and as…
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  • I'm a Steelers fan today. I love Cower. I love Bettis. I love the underdogs and the working class. It's…
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  • Personally I've always been in the fucking vs. screwing camp myself... just always seemed more fun somehow... oops, sorry stark,…
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  • content. the law against speaking ill of the Dems... even when they sold the country out it seems.
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  • I had no idea you could provide a spark to form a new party, get people riled up and agreeing…
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  • Freedom is just another word for, nothing left to lose It takes courage to speak and act on your most…
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  • out Israeli generals to spread the meme. they started it back in December and are now bringing it on even…
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  • i read that the first time as "cat killer" and I almost fell out of my chair... it all made…
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  • Sweet! I'm so happy for you kansas. I've been under the 'writers block' funk for over a month now. Here…
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  • they can always talk about how unreliable paper ballots are...
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  • The Romans were pretty sure all the 'barbarians' would just love to give up their culture and beliefs and embrace…
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  • Well, that would be one part of Harpers platform that would probably cause a no confidence vote in his slim…
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  • The Dem leadership needs to know, and needs to know NOW, that this bullshit just won't fly anymore. The left…
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  • I believe the term you are looking for is actually: sanctamonious women's studies set Third parties work. They are the…
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  • The one big difference that gives me hope is that Canada ain't the US... and we have a much fairer…
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  • Absolutely. I was laughing at the emails Rex Murphy was reading last night on CBC from Canadians saying basically: listen…
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