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    Only if it's a dogwood. Personally I like maples... I'll try and be there as well for that date... 😉
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  • Thanks for the good news Oui. My heart is singing. I was so worried. A more sober question though -…
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  • I've seen it twice now. And the second time moved me to tears, just as the first did. I have…
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  • Ductape. Right up your (and my) alley. The two monologues by V alone (at least) are worth it.
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  • And like I said, no one in this thread said she was.
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  • You're not. Thanks for a reasonable and straight forward reply. I don't know enough about him to be able to…
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  • So when is he actually gonna do something about it and resign?
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  • Oh my god, get over yourself and take the time to actually think. Re-read EXACTLY what you wrote and who…
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  • And we are too. Maybe not assuming everyone is the enemy right off the bat would help some. The good…
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  • Man oh man floridagal, this is the last time I'm going to attempt to communicate with you on this. I…
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  • Jeez, do you ever have your blinders on, or the cult of personality going here with Dean. He is the…
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  • I agree with that. But you lose your point and people get distracted by your wording and not being precise…
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  • Perhaps by not calling the President out on his unConstitutional endeavors? Like Feingold is. If Dean wants to be the…
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  • I don't think it's Dean that anyone is taking offense to, it's your argument and wording as you presented them…
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  • now that sounds like it could be a plan.. i've never been in ottawa for canuck day... always wanted to…
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  • Whoohoo! I voted June 3rd since I hate waiting (although I could do any other weekend except the 1st since…
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  • Ugh. Disgusting. Horrible. Immoral. But oh so not surprising. Mexicans are dirty people who live in filth you see. The…
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  • We have diary quotas? News to me. What are they? Is it 1 per day? 2? do we have quotas…
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  • I think I've heard remarks like those of the esteemed Republican Congressmen. I think they said it in German though.…
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  • Yeah, true enough... just like the Flyers are the bane of the Leafs... and the Devils of the Flyers... but…
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