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    Just wanted to say "hi" and Happy Birthday to me 🙂 I'm on my way out for fun & festivities…
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  • I call all American's Yankees since you are all to the south of me. So when are you storming the…
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  • Those fucking slimy assholes. How goddamn dare they continue to subjegate women like this? When are you storming the castle…
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  • Jerome, so good to see you here again! Okay, now I should read your post... 😉
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  • End of May/ early June works for me. 🙂
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  • I'm kinda of the opinion that oil supplies and bases go hand in hand. Can I vote twice?
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  • I'm an atheist who dabbles in agnotisim and I find your argument about those who are religious baffling. Some are…
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  • I think al Jazeera had a copy at one point... film at 11 and all. 😉
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  • Yes, I realize that the prophet was depicted with a bomb in his turban. I used 'Muslim' because that is…
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  • That probably is close to my position on the matter and I stated why in the comment where I dissected…
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  • Yes I did and I made the point as to why the excuses regarding not knowing the picture was of…
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  • Well, I have no idea what was running through her mind for sure and I do know Susan's history. But…
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  • That was what I believe most took offense to (well at least me, Manny & Ductape). There is no benefit.…
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  • Boo, that is exactly what was being advocated. I quote from the original "I Spy" Post. Adds Dan:    …
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  • That's exactly the way I see it as well. And I am rather disappointed that I posted exactly that question,…
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  • I'll try to express myself again using an example of what life is like in Toronto, one (if not the)…
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  • Now there's a guy I can't wait to meet. Super, you are a beautiful human being. So are so many…
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  • you're speaking for me just fine Man E. Couldn't have expressed it better myself. Namaste my friend. Peace
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  • Well, I know when I'm not welcome... no salty language indeed... that's just open season on spiderleafs... 😉 Thought I'd…
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  • Well, I'd post my experiences but as they're still on-going I shouldn't kiss and tell... Off to keep going, catch…
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