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    I found a poem in your second blockquote. Small-Minded By Mitt Romney Every year I've paid, At least, Thirteen percent.
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  • Well, from a Republican point of view, the worst impulse you can have is to be willing to compromise on…
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  • Hmm, good point. It pretty much is secret. (Nobody I know voted for Nixon.)
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  • My God, who is running the RomneyRyan campaign? There doesn't appear to be a single sentient being in the whole…
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  • Wait a minute. This "policy debate on ground where Republicans are most comfortable"--can they possibly be talking about Medicare? Charlie…
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  • We might move on to asking Romney why his budget plan raises taxes on 95% of Americans so that the…
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  • Suppose Romney announces that he has chosen a running mate, but he isn't going to tell us who it is?…
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  • Isn't this dude an attorney? "Well your honor, the plaintiff has made a very serious allegation, and I haven't bothered…
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  • Talking about guns in the context of the 2nd Amendment is a disaster. That's a really good point in itself.…
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  • I just finished reading A Necessary Evil by Garry Wills, which has a really good discussion of the Second Amendment.…
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  • Whatever. If Brooks keeps "defending" capitalism like that, he's going to turn a lot of his readers into outright socialists.…
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  • He's in a real fix for a VP candidate too, isn't he? He's going to need someone he can keep…
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  • Well if the election isn't about substance, it is about something. I think it's also important to consider the degree…
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  • Am I missing something? Is anybody besides Kathleen Parker going on about the damn horses? To me it's just a…
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  • The Constitution does give the President the power to "grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States." I…
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  • As a second son, I well remember my mother saying that I just ignored my brother, he'd leave me alone.…
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  • Yes, I see what you mean. I also can't help thinking there's something a little narcissistic about his hand-wringing. I'd…
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  • Sooner or later one of these assholes is going to come across A Modest Proposal and not realize it's a…
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  • You don't want to make too much of Obama's race, but you don't want to make too little of it…
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  • Well, that's true about Sgt Pepper's. I appear to be taking the question more literally than most of your other…
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