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    I'll let CBS News figure out how they want to deal with that matzoh ball At first I was thinking…
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  • I wouldn't begrudge them their outrage if they were willing to admit that Fox isn't a legitimate news operation. But,…
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  • What about Obama's campaign operation? The one that's commonly described as the best ever? How is that not relevant to…
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  • I agree. My reaction is that I can't say whether Maraniss is correct or not, because I can't tell if…
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  • I don't normally care about football, but I do live in northern California. Plus my wife went to UNR, so…
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  • They require less frequent reloading, but are more likely to jam... Adam Lanza's clip didn't jam, you ghouls.
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  • Do you get the impression they've cried wolf a few too many times with this anti-Semitism bullshit? For me at…
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  • I've got another thing for the Arthur Silbers to think about. If you really think Obama is no different than…
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  • Here's an American observer on conditions in France in 1785: The property of this country is absolutely concentered in a…
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  • Of course, no one is talking about the really important question, which is who or what should be on the…
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  • If the Republicans act stupidly enough, we're justified in ignoring them and the law and just running this place how…
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  • I liked his parting shot: This is the kind of climate-change talk I like. None of that phony "global warming"…
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  • Bring out the trillion dollar coins! It really doesn't matter how legally dubious it is. The 14th Amendment is maybe…
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  • So now data mining is a communist plot? These people are amazing. Well, one guy, codeweasel, gets it right. But…
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  • I do wonder how much more effective Boehner would be even if he was sober. The drinking could be an…
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  • It makes me think of Woody Allen's joke about how bisexuality immediately doubles your chances of getting a date on…
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  • Yes, it's the little touches that distinguish a truly great wanker. It's easy enough to blame Obama for the Republicans'…
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  • In this case, the main point is that he's talking to the House Republican caucus, and he just called them…
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  • It's interesting that Alexander Hamilton in his day stood for both Big Money and Big Government. Their interests were united…
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  • It's a good thing they're as inept as they are nefarious. I can't get over the number of Senate seats…
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