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    I thought they diagnosed the problem at CPAC--the lost because they didn't spend enough time talking about Jefferson Davis.
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  • I don't see the point of jumping on either Portman or Obama. I don't particularly care about Portman's son one…
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  • I mainly just want to say that I'm against peeling potatoes. Even in mashed potatoes, the skin adds a bit…
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  • Yeah, that's something I find annoying. I think all districts should be drawn impartially, but if all the red states…
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  • One thing I keep coming back to is the number of Senate seats the Republicans threw away in 2010 and…
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  • Well no, he doesn't exactly deserve a Nobel Peace Prize here, but it's still a positive development. I'm not inclined…
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  • To my mind, if the much neglected first thirteen words of the 2nd Amendment mean anything at all, they would…
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  • It really does highlight the absurdity when you state it that plainly: We're going to create jobs by cutting spending.…
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  • Well, here is Rand Paul's own page on immigration. So he supports militarizing the border, with all of the civil…
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  • You know what isn't a serious conversation about the drone strike program? This: In the meantime, a few more people…
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  • There's no need to speculate. We're basically talking about Gavin Newsom here. He's just biding his time until Jerry Brown…
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  • Wow, so they really are just ignoring the 15th Amendment. I was assuming that somebody, somewhere was making an argument…
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  • Those are good points. Although I suspect the only reason we weren't doing this stuff 15 years ago is that…
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  • Maybe what he's getting at is that a Laffer curve looks sorta like a mountain if you squint at it…
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  • OK, here's an analogy. If Obama is the captain of the ship, then Boehner is the chief of engineering. Obama…
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  • Obama damn well better be on a permanent campaign. Probably our only real hope is to retake the House in…
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  • Yep. It's complicated, but not that complicated. even putting aside the issue of climate change, we also have to confront…
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  • What the hell? What about the 15th Amendment? Are they just ignoring it? What am I missing?
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  • It's funny, too, that these are the people who like to make a ritual of reading the Constitution at the…
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  • Thank God we put the Republicans out to pasture in California. I just hope the Democrats aren't dumb enough to…
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