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    It's a slippery slope though, isn't it? You start caring about other people's children, the next thing you know you…
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  • It's interesting how different the dynamic is here from what you have with the budget situation. There's no ticking clock…
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  • At any rate, it's not exactly a revelation that unearned privilege can make people neurotic. And then I found this…
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  • It does rather sound like Douthat wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have him as a member.…
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  • As far as the historical perspective, I don't know if there ever has been an ordinary time in the United…
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  • Yeah, it's not a time for caution. In between cataloging all the trees and running statistical analyses to determine which…
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  • "For when the credit of a country is in any degree questionable, it never fails to give an extravagant premium,…
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  • At least it isn't Virginia that's trying to re-establish religion. Although if they did they might have a new energy…
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  • Yes, recording technology makes an enormous difference. I don't think the idea of a tribute band even makes sense without…
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  • I suppose you have to imagine being so convinced that yours is the one true faith that you don't even…
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  • Yeah whatever. If they don't like being called bigots, they could always try not being bigots.
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  • And this from the party that wants to balance the budget in 10 years. While they're at it, could the…
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  • And things aren't going to remain static. Exactly. You've got all these prognostications about 2014 and 2016 that act as…
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  • I do like his poetry.
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  • Ah. So he made this speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Of all places. So evidently he's gotten the…
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  • Yeah, well, as of 2008 55 of 55 presidential elections had been won by white men.
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  • That's one of the stupidest and laziest instances of "both sides do it" that I've seen. You could write a…
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  • What I'm looking forward to is May 1, when we can celebrate the 10th anniversary of Bush prancing around in…
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  • Oh, absolutely. I'm not trying to justify anything here.
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  • It's the bloody Scots-Irish! Probably the most illuminating book of US history that I've read was Albion's Seed. Amazing how…
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