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    One part of the 2nd amendment I hadn't thought much about until recently was the bit about "the security of…
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  • Did you see this? More proof that Obama just isn't trying hard enough.
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  • Hell, Obama already answered this at the WH Correspondents dinner: "Really? Why don't you have a drink with Mitch McConnell?"…
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  • Really? Voting against something that 70% of your constituents want will hurt your approval ratings? What a concept. But you're…
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  • Well, of course the whole thing would have been slightly more plausible if we hadn't then gone and invaded Iraq.…
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  • Yes, I see what you mean. Pass stupid laws and then criticize the president for following them. It's the old…
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  • Jesus God, I know Americans can be pretty stupid, but blaming Obama for not spending money that they haven't given…
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  • This is awesome. Let's re-fight the Civil War. Did you see the quote in the sidebar under the slavedriver flag?…
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  • I do get tired of seeing political reporters, who really should know better, blaming the president for the failures of…
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  • Poor guy just wants his War on Terror back. McCain and Graham are the same way. McCain obviously gets a…
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  • There's always political history. I've been trying to figure out what the Whigs were all about lately, and one thing…
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  • There's a book behind it too. But man, you want to talk about scholarly malpractice, this guy is ridiculous. I…
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  • This guy's an idiot. Look how he defines the work of a historian. According to him, you have to "conduct…
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  • To me this feels like sort of a hybrid of an Islamist attack and a good old fashioned American style…
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  • I'm going to go with the simplest and most plausible explanation: All but three Republican senators become sexually aroused when…
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  • If I was a Senate Democrat, I don't know if I would be taunting the Republicans, but I certainly can't…
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  • If I was a Senate Democrat, I don't know if I would be taunting the Republicans, but I certainly can't…
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  • I don't really see how anyone can be scared of Kim Jong-un anyway. To me he's just a child playing…
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  • That is interesting. Of course, you can always expand the matrix. I mean at this point the finite and polluting…
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  • What I can't get over is that he thinks it matters that the NAACP was founded by Republicans. That's sort…
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