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    According to David Hackett Fischer, Betsy Ross did probably sew a flag for George Washington, but not the starts and…
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  • If Christian rock and "pro-family" movies were wildly popular, the media and entertainment communities would be all over them. They…
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  • But yes, they do seem to be circling their wagons, which of course is what you do just before you're…
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  • Accusing the Democrats of socialism, which is a race-neutral way of accusing the party of being beholden to the racial…
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  • Good God, if you can't see any difference between Obama and Bush, why do you even bother? A couple of…
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  • Jefferson also said this of Washington (in the infamous Mazzei letter). This was in 1796, during Washington's second term. Against…
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  • Well yes, when you take away people's rights, they do tend to resist. So now the Republicans are openly targeting…
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  • Why is it necessary to shit on Washington? It's easy enough to call him a hypocrite for owning slaves, but…
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  • I've been ridiculed for raising this point before, but still I'd like to know why so many people are willing…
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  • Is it to much to hope that Boehner will have to choose between losing his speakership and losing his seat…
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  • It would be interesting to see what Boehner's district thinks about immigration reform. If I was the Democrat running against…
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  • Whatever. The shoe fits. If the choice is between defining homosexuality as indecent, or defining Antonin Scalia's attitude toward homosexuality…
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  • "...the Republicans did not not strike down the Voting Rights Act in order to make race less of a political…
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  • What the hell? The "so-called civil rights community"? That's all I need to know. Fuck Jonathan Tobin.
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  • There will be white men joining the fight too. And don't forget the Latinos. Basically anyone who isn't racist. As…
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  • I'm not just talking about what China is doing to its own people. The internet is global, and China is…
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  • ...the structure of the systems and the sucking up of all internet communications presented that opportunity should a tyrant decide…
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  • Thanks for condescending to enlighten me. No, I don't imagine you're going to catch a lot of terrorists by trawling…
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  • So be it. If there was ever a time for Obama to stick his neck out, this is it.
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  • For telling would-be jihadis that we are monitoring their Gmail and Facebook accounts? That's just idiotic. Without taking a stand…
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