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    There are other possibilities, you know. For instance, what if Snowden and Greenwald are full of shit? Why do you…
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  • So now Snowden is the Rosenbergs? That isn't an argument. Of course the government has overreached before, but that doesn't…
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  • I'm not that familiar with LGF, but my general impression is that it used to be a far-right cesspool. The…
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  • Oh, and: "The GOP doesn't nominate crazy." Yes they fucking well do. Even if you want to talk about Mitt…
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  • I know. She might as well have farted and said "This is not a John-Coltrane-style I-practiced-9,000-chord-progressions-and-this-is-what-I-got." Well, maybe that's what…
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  • Hell, there have only been 57 presidential elections in our country's history, and 19 of them happened before the Civil…
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  • It's all irrelevant anyway, because there's about a 0% chance that the filibuster would survive Republican control of the House,…
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  • Well. We certainly didn't have to wait very long to find out what the Republicans' new all-white people strategy was…
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  • It actually isn't that hard in this case, unfortunately. I'm not fluent in dogwhistle, but I believe the translation would…
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  • We can only talk about one thing at a time, and I would note that liberals in general are showing…
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  • Hell, the nuclear option was a Republican idea in the first place. The only reason we still have the filibuster…
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  • I hadn't heard of him before, but yeah. You can't take a guy too seriously when he's bitching about Mexicans…
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  • My biggest fear is God forbid the Neoconfederate States of America should have nuclear weapons. But you're right, we are…
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  • It would be nice if the neo-confederates were at least honest about the Southern heritage they're so proud of. John…
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  • Yep. Just as Republicans can be relied on to abuse the filibuster, they can be relied on to abuse the…
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  • They damn well better go nuclear. We really need to have at least one house of Congress doing its job.…
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  • My feeling is that it's only a matter of time, but there's still a lot of work to be done.…
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  • Electoral College logic is logic after all. It isn't surprising that Republicans don't have any place for it in their…
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  • That's a good way of putting it--they've already decided that Shariah law is the answer. In fact, the statement "If…
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  • But the 4th of July specifically has a lot to do with Thomas Jefferson, I think. We might ask, for…
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