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    To me the most salient fact about Amazon is that it's entirely native to the World Wide Web. For the…
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  • It's not hard to see this as an unintended consequence of decreeing a mono-ethnic state. If, for instance, Israel, Gaza,…
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  • If it comes down to it, I would want and expect and demand that Obama keeps paying the nation's debts…
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  • Or the smart and unscrupulous. I'm not sure I'd have any scruples about fleecing Tea Party morons myself, come to…
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  • As far as actual policies, libertarian populism appears to come down to (strangely enough) tax cuts and deregulation. So it…
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  • Hang on. No. This is bullshit. There's nothing quite like a besieged embassy from which to mock the empty machinations…
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  • Oh, I know. I'm not unrealistic. And I absolutely agree that the Democrats should focus on Congress, given the statistical…
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  • I've been thinking that something like punctuated equilibrium may apply in American politics. Well, probably in history generally. But you've…
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  • Oh well. Could we maybe have Elizabeth Warren for vice president at least? For those concerned that Clinton isn't progressive…
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  • That does give me an idea for how to get rid of the tea baggers. All you have to do…
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  • Exactly. I'm not sure how to quantify the effect, but the Republicans threw away two Senate seats in each of…
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  • Of course, if he doesn't like it he can always go to the Players Association. Heh.
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  • Of course it is. The cash flow is precisely why it's reasonable to reserve the right to fine him for…
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  • Why not? Riley Cooper is getting paid a fuckload of money to play football, so it's hardly oppressive to hold…
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  • It's true. The Republicans don't even take themselves seriously anymore, so why should anyone else? Worst case is that Obama…
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  • Well, now he's got this in his pocket. They can't even act on their own budget.
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  • In Sacramento, at least, I think the feds did a good job of controlling a situation that was getting a…
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  • I guess the more general principle should be that if we're giving a country any kind of aid, we should…
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  • Oh, by the way, one of the enunciated justifications for the Constitution was to provide for the common defense. But…
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  • Damn, shouldn't have mentioned the Founders. If you didn't have that to go off on you might have had to…
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