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    I'm not sure that it matters. Consider how the Brits were able to crack the Enigma code once they got…
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  • I'm inclined to say that if you know a message is encrypted, then in principle you can find a way…
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  • Well, what this really proves is that encryption no longer provides adequate security. I think it's fundamentally important to understand…
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  • Another possibility is that the idea that a transgender person needs to undergo a physical transformation is itself culturally constrained.…
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  • As long as they let her wear some clothing.
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  • When in doubt, you can always quote Benjamin Franklin.
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  • I'm all for talking about the NSA scandal, but I'm finding it difficult because too many people have already made…
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  • Yes, I read the Schneier article. The problem isn't just that it's highly speculative, it's also that the speculation is…
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  • Well, Christopher H. Pyle, whoever that is, has asserted that this is the case, so I guess that settles it.…
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  • Pushing one's side of the case != serious analysis. The whole problem with Greenwald's analysis--which, yes, is what this particular…
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  • Bruce Schneier isn't very imaginative. His "proof" that the whole purpose was to intimidate consists of a half-hearted consideration of…
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  • Actually, I didn't say I'm fine with everything the NSA is doing, either. In fact, I said (somewhere in this…
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  • The NSA has other responsibilities besides dealing with terrorism. It is also (according the Wikipedia) responsible for protecting all US…
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  • Nope. I'm not saying I expect a pardon, but it would be the right thing to do. Or actually, I…
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  • This would be a good opportunity for Obama to be a mensch and pardon Manning, or at least commute the…
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  • Well, yeah, we're getting to the point where you can call it printing, or replicating, or whatever you like. But…
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  • What they do and have done doesn't change the fact that they don't have enough resources to monitor more than…
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  • OK. Then what? I still don't see where anyone is being tyrannized here, and it still isn't that hard to…
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  • Pro Obama? Could you point me to where I said or implied that everything the NSA is doing is fine…
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  • Well I'll be damned.
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