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    Well yes, I fully expect Paul Ryan to present a plan that "fixes" the sequester with a combination of budget…
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  • And so the Republicans move from the war on science to a war on arithmetic. All it takes is a…
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  • Good point. And yes, if you're going to complain about the website, you always have to ask yourself: in comparison…
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  • The implicit promise of Barack Obama's presidency, delivered during the 2008 campaign and again repeatedly since then, was that government…
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  • Well, if it's true that both parties agree that sequestration has to end, it makes the big picture pretty simple:…
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  • They may not want to take the heat for violating the Norquist Pledge... The right way to do it would…
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  • Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we made it illegal to run certain kinds of enterprises for profit. Health…
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  • Yep. I'm not without sympathy for these people, but let's face it. This is what they voted for.
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  • To be fair, they aren't all morons. It's true that most of the lunatics and sociopaths in the party are…
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  • Maybe, but there's a lot of room for leftward movement before people who are merely affluent rather than stupendously wealthy…
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  • Yeah, I was thinking that the Democratic campaign in Maine pretty much writes itself. Just show lots of pictures of…
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  • None of these fools deserve to be reelected and their constituents seem to know it. Well, the Tea Party appears…
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  • That's awesome. Sure, Lincoln saved the Union, but he once got a letter from Karl Marx. I guess that means…
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  • The thing about Boehner that I keep wondering about is that he has two positions to lose--the speakership and his…
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  • I think basically what the Tea Party is up to can be classified as an ideological purge, of which there…
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  • I think the Tea Party may be in the process of saving us from the Tea Party. Relatively sane Republicans…
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  • I don't know, it's a tough choice. Not that I'm OK with cuts to Social Security, but this knee-jerk opposition…
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  • Mitch McConnell has learned how to use the word "ransom," but apparently not much else: When the speaker has had…
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  • At some point we really do need to talk about this bullshit Norquist Pledge. I would like to see Democrats…
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  • Silly? Since when does John Boehner care if an idea is silly or not?
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