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    In the summertime I was amphibious. What I remember is my mother coming out and telling us it was time…
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  • Well, it could be laziness, but yes, it's pretty ridiculous to act is if there are any Republicans at all…
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  • Want to make a rubber ducky for your kid? Disney owns that design and demands that you pay before you…
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  • Good God, people need to get a grip about this rollout. However catastrophic it's been it still has a long…
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  • Well, if you "interpret the Constitution as it was written," you'll see that it requires simple majorities for all votes…
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  • Precisely. In fact, lot of the first gabachos in California were illegal immigrants.
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  • It is pretty astonishing that anyone can think biracial people are a recent innovation in this country, but I don't…
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  • It's partly about how awesome Bob Dylan is and partly about how awesome Elizabeth Wurtzel is.
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  • I'm OK with using every storm that happens as an opportunity to talk about global warming. Whether it's directly attributable…
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  • I have to say, though, so far I'm greatly enjoying Tim Donnelly's campaign for the opportunity to have his ass…
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  • If it's not inconceivable that a GOP nominee can blah blah blah, what's his name? We're talking about 2016 here,…
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  • The filibuster is dead anyway. It just needs to be buried. It had its uses, but there are after all…
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  • Strange. If these GOP senators are trying to come up with "budget alternatives in case the bicameral conference committee fails…
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  • Well, you can see it as a response to the Republicans' all-white-people strategy. I can't speak for NYC voters, but…
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  • If he can't write, that's fine, but why doesn't he hire someone who can? He tried that, too. But the…
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  • What the hell? The article mentions that Mr. Rizer NEEDS SHOULDER SURGERY. If he can't afford the insurance premiums, he…
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  • Yes. And in a Republican Senate, the filibuster would only survive until the Democrats tried to use it for anything…
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  • Well, yoga may not be a religion in itself, but at its roots it's a religious practice. Same with meditation,…
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  • Shorter Ponnuru and Lowry: "Oops."
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  • Not if they're actively pushing to rebuild the government while the Republicans are still trying to drown it in the…
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