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    Hopefully, Mr. Hudson will be as good as his word and will vote against Mitch McConnell next November. Well, McConnell…
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  • That sounds about right to me. The only qualification is that the Democrats' threats to go nuclear will be much…
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  • Well, Jefferson was in an interesting position there. As Vice President he was presiding over the Senate, but at the…
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  • That's all fine, but the point of Federalist #22 is that tyranny of the minority is even worse. And that…
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  • Hey, let's not forget who first put the nuclear option on the table.
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  • Me too. They just kept daring the Democrats to take their toy away, and now what are they going to…
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  • Really? Oh well...
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  • Oh please. There are vast and glaring differences on immigration, abortion rights, gay rights, voting rights, and so on and…
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  • Well, I'm not the only one who's been pointing out that the Republicans don't give a rat's ass about precedent…
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  • This too. It looks like he's pretty well prepared to explain himself. The filibuster was meant to prevent the tyranny…
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  • Yes, the way things are done in Congress is that Congress passes a bill, the president signs it, and then…
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  • Yes, the 2014 elections are going to be all about the Senate rules and a web site. It's not like…
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  • That's a good point. The Senate Republicans would be losing their only toy if they lost the filibuster. The question…
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  • Oops. Duh. Wouldn't stop the Tea Party.
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  • It doesn't have to be indirect. They could always try to impeach Harry Reid. It would probably be unconstitutional, not…
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  • Good point. I'm sure a lot of these guys would be willing to trade their truck for a slave, but…
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  • Well, one thing you can do is compare what just happened in Virginia to the election results there in 2009.…
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  • It's pretty amazing to me how many people still haven't noticed how many times we've been through this cycle already.…
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  • Nope, 1850s. That was when the slave power was at its apex. Just before the federals came along and ruined…
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  • It doesn't really matter how long the role models have been dead. Woody Guthrie, to take just one example, has…
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