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    Immigration reform is an excellent choice. You want to cleave the Republicans, just stand back and watch the eruption of…
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  • Or, as Thomas Jefferson said, "We have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely…
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  • Wow. You're far more patient with this nonsense than it deserves, but it is a useful analysis. I think maybe…
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  • ...and we have a right to be involved in negotiations. Oh, now they want to talk about their rights? Screw…
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  • Well, you could maybe trace the shakeup back to the moment when a black man with an African name was…
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  • I guess it would be redundant to point out that it isn't the President but the fucking Constitution that tells…
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  • And just remember this slick slide started with Lieberman, Kent Conrad, Evan Bayh, and Baucus.  Not to mention Erskine Bowles.…
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  • Just imagine having to fear someone like Ted Cruz. It would be so humiliating. One more reason I'm glad I'm…
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  • At this point I don't think it's even a question of whether the Democrats want to break the cycle of…
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  • No, they don't have to be related, but it's still a bad idea. If we want to have a future,…
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  • Historically, there's an even more basic argument you can make. One of the main reasons for adopting the Constitution in…
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  • No,the US borrowed money too. Wars are extremely expensive. So the point is that debts in the name of the…
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  • All true, but I don't think 14th Amendment arguments are really meant to persuade the Tea Party. At some point…
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  • You're leaving out Ted Cruz. Or maybe Rand Paul will take a turn at grandstanding. At any rate it will…
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  • They're abdicating all their responsibilities. It's really amazing that these are the people who claim to love the Constitution more…
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  • I've known people like that. There's a certain type of Republican or libertarian engineer or other kind of technical person,…
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  • Well, for instance you've got Bobby Jindal spouting total idiocy like this: The president needs to lead. When is he…
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  • Yes, argument by labeling. I have a friend who's a history professor, who told me how he handles this in…
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  • I've seen some reports that "socialism" actually polls rather well among younger people. Which makes sense, because they don't really…
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  • Well, one battle at a time. Time will tell of course, but whenever the current situation is resolved the Republicans…
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