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    More spending on what? If you are going to push for more spending, you might as well use the opportunity…
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  • That's a plan? "Here's our final offer. You agree to delay ObamaCare one year, we agree to raise the debt…
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  • The debt limit may or may not be raised, but I don't think there's going to be a default. If…
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  • I see. So the plan is to let go of the steering wheel and then try to blame the Democrats…
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  • Bribery? Doesn't he mean blackmail? Anyway, I'm all for it. Why should Darrell Issa get to have all the hearings?…
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  • Mark Steyn belongs in the Wanker Hall of Fame.
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  • I'm more and more convinced you don't need to invoke the 14th Amendment, just Article I Section 8. If you…
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  • I don't know, there are a lot of things I'm worried about lately, but the debt ceiling isn't one of…
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  • According to Brian Beutler, the real idea was to use the ObamaCare defunding ploy to sneak in even yet still…
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  • I just keep thinking about who exactly "we" is when we talk about "our" responsibilities in Syria. If it's a…
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  • I'm talking about not going to war. My point was that if we don't go to war, or more specifically…
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  • But wait, he could only engage in a land war in Asia if he did get approval from Congress. The…
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  • They already haven't rejected him out of hand, since the Senate Foreign Relations committee approved a resolution. At any rate,…
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  • Is it more OK to blow up children than to gas them? Or grownups, for that matter? Because not matter…
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  • I haven't been following the debates that closely, but it doesn't seem like we're hearing much about another important question,…
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  • Especially when the House Republicans are getting really tired of waiting for a plausible excuse to impeach him. Benghazi was…
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  • It's called a knee-jerk reaction. We liberals might prefer to believe it only happens on the right, but it just…
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  • I don't actually know a whole lot about the March on Washington, but it seems pretty obvious that the choice…
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  • Man, I wish we had a Do Something Caucus for the economy.
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  • Yes, of course the state of cryptography is way beyond Enigma, but then so is the state of code breaking.…
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