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    Has quantum physics progressed to the point where we can make the Republicans their own pocket universe where they can…
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  • This reminds me of a Texas case that I read about, which some wingnut was citing as an actual instance…
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  • This is awesome. Now even Fox News is coming for your precious bodily fluids.
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  • Absolutely. If you want to argue that Obama shares the Republicans' agenda on the economy or national security, I would…
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  • Oh come on, you can't make it affordable to the masses until you at least build it. And your question…
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  • You're forgetting about Jerry Brown and Google. Jerry Brown is committed enough to high speed rail that conservative hacks are…
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  • Another problem is not giving prosecutors or judges any leeway. You could argue that mandatory sentencing laws are a legislative…
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  • Another way to look at it is to ask what the executive is supposed to do if Congress isn't doing…
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  • And California was run by white Spanish Catholics before the US annexed it. White Spanish Catholics who mostly wanted to…
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  • Interesting. It makes perfect sense, too. Of course people are going to stay away from the border, but which side…
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  • It's also worth keeping in mind that there are actually two separate discussions going on here. One is over the…
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  • They think Sen. Durbin is threatening to besmirch the reputations of anyone who supports Stand-Your-Ground laws by publicly associating them…
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  • I'm not really a big breakfast eater, but huevos rancheros sound pretty good right now. I've heard that pho is…
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  • Just look at the numbers--two years ago the Republicans had a 6 point favorability advantage among seniors, and now the…
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  • Another example would be James Monroe and the Era of Good Feelings.
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  • That's a good question. I think that if the two parties did somehow get on the same side of every…
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  • Hell yes. And who are we to interfere? If they're going to make their stand on principles like black people…
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  • No, I don't know much about him and I don't claim to. As someone who tries to keep an open…
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  • Hey, that's not how we do things around here. All we need to know is that Cory Booker might possibly…
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  • You have to look at Amazon's cloud services, too, because that's becoming a bigger and bigger part of their operation.…
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