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    Oops. "They also don't quite seem to realize how ludicrous and extreme their demands really are." Damn. And I was…
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  • They also don't quite seem how ludicrous and extreme their demands really are. They're basically threatening to destroy the government…
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  • False. For instance, if you consider three big blue states that are not gerrymandered in the GOP's favor--California, Illinois, and…
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  • True, but if there really are enough Republicans who would vote for a clean CR, it's going to be out…
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  • I'm still not clear on what exactly this "disrespect" is that Stutzman imagines he's endured. Granted, I myself say grossly…
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  • One thing about the Hastert rule, it probably makes more sense when your party also controls the Senate and the…
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  • Not to mention, it's increasingly obvious that a return to 1955 wouldn't be enough for the Tea Party. More like…
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  • Well, he also has to keep his seat. I took a look at Boehner's district, and it appears to be…
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  • I would say two things, myself. First, there are more fundamental things than the sequester at stake here, such as…
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  • Well, this is worth something at least: All these guys have been public saying 'I don't give a damn what…
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  • I was just thinking about that. I know it isn't just one blog post either, because he's pointed it out…
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  • The cure is simple--if the Republicans don't raise the debt ceiling, Obama says to hell with the debt ceiling and…
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  • But consider, for instance, California's 21st Congressional district. Currently held by a Republican, David Valadao, who won fairly easy in…
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  • I guess the real question is how many other Republicans are in the Still Within Shouting Distance of Reality Caucus.…
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  • The platinum coin is just too silly. I don't think it's necessary anyway. Maybe I'm reading too much into it,…
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  • That would suck. To me approving Keystone XL would be no less insanely irresponsible than defunding Obamacare, so I don't…
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  • The problem is that the one person in the country who most desperately needs to heed this advice is John…
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  • Hell, in New York even the Republicans are Communists. Just look at what Theodore Roosevelt said: The fortunes amassed through…
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  • It's also worth noting that every one of these Republican representatives who's worried about getting primaried also has to win…
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  • You know, Sandinista! was recorded in New York City. You can make of that what you will.
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