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    Yes, even employing much stricter standards than the Tea Party uses, Dr. King can accurately be described as a socialist.…
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  • I remember at one point in the 2008 campaign he said, "Of course I inhaled. That was the point."
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  • McConnell: When Democrats couldn't convince Republicans that this bill was worth supporting as written, they plowed ahead on their own…
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  • At any rate, the lanes were closed for four days. How does that happen? Even if he knew nothing about…
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  • I'm not an attorney but I believe it's generally accepted that the First Amendment doesn't protect fraud. Especially if the…
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  • Oh, come on, I know you've heard of the filibuster. The negotiations here are over whether the minority will allow…
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  • I always think of Ryszard Kapuscinski's The Emperor when the Republicans talk about empathy for the unemployed. In public Haile…
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  • And, just to state the blindingly obvious: If Dasani had been born in a socialist country she'd still have lousy…
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  • Hell, why not just blame Dasani? She obviously should have picked better parents.
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  • No, dining room tables don't do counterintuitive. How can giving money to unemployed people create jobs? How can global warming…
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  • A CNN poll in mid-October, right after the shutdown ended, found Americans preferring to vote for Democrats for Congress by…
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  • I don't really see why the "moderates" need to be alarmed. If you look at the actual policies these senators…
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  • I agree. There's basically no prospect that Congress is going to do anything meaningful anyway, so they might as well…
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  • How that populist anger is channelled will decide whether we move as a country to the left or we start…
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  • What the hell is Charles Cooke doing citing a notorious pajama boy like Oscar Wilde? To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, to…
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  • I don't know, I'm skeptical. I can see what the pitch is: "They're bugging your cellphone and making you buy…
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  • It's also worth noting that A&E has First Amendment rights too, not just Phil Robertson. If they couldn't suspend him…
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  • Most Americans have no frame of reference to understand what is happening in Germany. Sure we do. Just look at…
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  • It's quite an accomplishment, really. They've actually induced John Boehner to say something sensible: When groups come out and criticize…
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  • Hell yeah. It's kind of a corollary of the Hastert rule. This whole "majority of the majority" nonsense is basically…
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