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    This is an excellent diary.  Having briefly worked in mental health, I was glad to see an extensive definition of…
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  • Believe it or not, I have reported them--another state agency oversees as to whether or not they are doing their…
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  • I live on SSD/I and other social programs, which are always being gutted and lazy state employees don't have to…
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  • tomorrow's another day Yeah, that is what's scary, as I see no signs of it getting any better.  Wish I…
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  • Nothing good. Had to deal w/another do-nothing bureaucrat.  (Is there any other?)  All I constantly hear is "My caseload is…
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  • xposted at dkos and mlw
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  • it was two pot-bellied men, one with a baseball cap depicting chewing tabacco and the gist of the chat was…
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  • You're right about the repercussions re:  the mentally ill.  I have a neighbor (late teens) that I kind of keep…
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  • Don't under-rate your importance.  Those links are very important--I would have never found them w/o help.  I am writing all…
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  • Origingally from Detroit--now live in the 8th District.  Things are also rough out here.  Now I am also wondering how…
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  • Easy for him to say--he's got good health insurance that covers everything!  He probably feels it is my patriotic duty…
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  • Wouldn't suprise me if only those collecting unemployment were counted.
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  • And if they are ever questioned by anyone, their answer is that is is not my job!
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  • Yeah, what is for the poor is getting cut to pay for this crap in Iraq.  So, the poor are…
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  • Thanks to idredit and chocolate ink!
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  • here
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  • xposted at dkos and mlw
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  • Anyone see this? Continued corruption in Iraq could damage efforts to create a democracy there, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld…
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  • BBC To keep plans to cut the fiscal deficit on track, big cuts have been proposed in healthcare spending. While…
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  • If possible, I would get a second opinion re:  all options (assuming that you have not already done so) before…
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