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    Could it have been Califano?  (only one I can think of off the top of my head--didn't lose long-term memory,…
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  • I'm going to be 46 next month and I live on SSD/I.  And  I have always thought Teddy Kennedy is…
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  • remembered something and found it here Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism. Hubert H.…
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  • Wait a minute! we need to support state plans that move towards universal health care, such as the one here…
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  • In my instance (my tbi was worker's comp), I had to retain an attorney to sue the insurance carrier at…
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  • here
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  • Read something somewhere (couldn't find the link) about the incidence of tbi in those serving in Iraq.  Found the first…
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  • Also, the medical definitions of tbi can vary (went thru this nonsense).  That was a worse nightmare than Medicare D!…
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  • You are reading my mind!
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  • here
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  • xposted at mlw and dkos
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  • Would the bill require that 1) All practitioners accept Medicare and Medicaid patients, and 2) That Medicare and Medicaid increase…
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  • Think its time to start working the phones?
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  • THANKS for posting that!  Came across it earlier, as I have been tracking the Medicare D problems!  Am very enthused…
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  • Just giving a sample of my sense of humor.
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  • Am a history nut, in addition to being interested in politics, and I like to read--so, of course I love…
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  • gotta read between the lines re:  that one, IMO.
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  • If Dems can't run on that they need to get out of the road. Irony:  that AP article was actually…
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  • I think all that was reported re:  Medicare D forced him to turn to domestic issues.  After all, he and…
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  • link to it when you post on dkos, i'll recommend.  aslo we just disagree re:  3rd parties, as i said…
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