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    Too much is needed to fix things and this administration doesn't give a damn.   And that means that change…
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  • And, in addition, the legislation re:  Part D, the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) also prohibited the importing of drugs from…
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  • xposted at mlw and at epm
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  • Another Part D suprise!
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  • Well, nothing has been definitely proven, but...
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  • Thanks for the link!  Get the feeling that I am getting started on another project--lol.
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  • Actually, we both are, IMO. So, that brings up a ? that only the dems in DC can answer--why don't…
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  • I never said to ignore the issue of global warming. But,    from a realistic point of view, the Joe…
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  • Global warming should take a support role to single payer health care.  Unless the dems want to lose.
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  • Should be front and center.
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  • The argument for Part D and healtcare could be the most important of all, IMO.  There is a perception among…
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  • My congresscritter is on the list of ones to call!!!!!!!! Anyone dare me?
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  • That is priceless!
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  • Add those 16 who voted for Part D to the list of those who should be sent packing.   And,…
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  • Everyone is exhausted...wonder sometimes if that is the game they are playing.  You know, wear everyone out until people give…
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  • Forgot </snark&gt
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  • three recent domestic incidents in the United States are evidence the U.S. will soon be hit again by a terrorist…
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  • Ignore Tarheel as well, supersoling.  Another thread bully.
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  • Billy Tauzin is now the head of PhRMA! Coincidence?
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  • Exactly!  I mean, the way the Catholic church has changed, it is not the one that I recognize anymore.
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