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    What is there about airline pilot safety that makes pilots want it so bad, but medical doctors don't seem that…
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  • Assuming they ever do come home.
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  • Cautiously optomisitic. There is a big IF attached to that one.
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  • Two tragedies took place in 1968 in Viet Nam.  One was the massacre by United States soldiers of as many…
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  • Thanks Jim. (Wish my sound card didn't die!!!  Damn!)
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  • I understand your point, but about the change in tone from the media--but I don't believe it. Even if that…
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  • There are so many uphill battles to fight, and this is one of the most important.  Thanks for bringing it…
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  • I can't stand him either and I was a Kerry supporter.  Just think of where this country would be now…
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  • LANSING  State Journal [Part D]is a giveaway to pharmaceutical firms because Congress barred Medicare from negotiating deep discounts in drug…
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  • All of the above!
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  • Posted re: raid on jefferson's office under the wrong comment downthread by mistake.  My goof.
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  • On Tuesday the Hill newspaper reported that Gingrich fired off a missive to Capitol Hill Republicans condemning the raid as…
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  • True.  But not boring. There are times when length is necessary to make the points.
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  • I am in awe of this one you wrote. Such a powerful message!
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  • Great analogy Larry!!! It is one that the Joe-sixpacks can relate to!!! 🙂
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  • Thanks for the encouragement.  I feel alot better now that these hearings will be starting--makes me feel as if I…
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  • Understand what you are saying, but, there are a hell of  a lot of people who are not going quietly!!
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  • Thanks!!!!  ðŸ™‚
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  • if anyone has a part d story that he/she would like to share, please email it to partdstoriesatgmaildotcom I fully…
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  • Is this where network news finaly lies down and dies? Hell if I know. I'm a dropout. It shows--finally is…
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