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    Okay, I get that a lot of regressives are thrilled with Sarah.  She's beautiful, she's a creationist, anti-abortion, anti-environment, etc.…
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  • Wait a minute, BooMan.  She went back to work three days after her baby was born.  I've lived a long…
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  • It's a problem because little Georgie already thoroughly smudged the line between church and state.  This is one country with…
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  • Haven't watched one single second, and don't intend to.  I was "sports"ed to death during my marriage.  Never watch any…
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  • "It is wise to remember that you are one of those who can be fooled some of the time." (Laurence…
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  • Two Americas .... one for each face.
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  • I've never listened to Drug Rush, but I'm wondering if he could do a special program.  I'm really interested to…
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  • It's pretty clear to me that McSame views women as some sort of lower lifeform.  He holds a 1950's view…
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  • If tuna is chicken of the sea, is chicken tuna of the land?
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  • The cops seem to feel that "nonlethal" means they can tase somebody as many times as they want.  First of…
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  • I suspect that the warmth of Obama's welcome had as much to do with the prospect of relief from "yeehaw"…
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  • Oops.  To quote LOLcats, "I can't brain today.  I haz teh dumb."
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  • Then what was Reagan with his "Thousand Points of Light"?  Wasn't that a call to volunteerism?  IOKIYAR?
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  • Cow chips.  Okay, you can't eat 'em, but they make good fertilizer. And if I would be a cow chip,…
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  • I'm wondering if Obama's current stance is going to cut into his fundraising totals.  I contributed early this month, but…
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  • I've become cynical enough to believe that they see their opportunity for profit disappearing with the loss of the White…
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  • Well, here's the thing....I lump them all together in that gelatinous mass called "The Government".  They're killing Americans, literally on…
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  • Wait a minute here.  Everything I read about Clinton's senate campaign and her primary campaign that talked about the horrendous…
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  • I feel a lot of sympathy for Obama.  He's going to have to deal with externals (Blackwater, Iraq, global warming,…
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  • I do not have such a forgiving nature.  I'm glad she gave a positive speech for Obama's sake.  But, given…
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