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    Brought to you by the Worldwide War on Women.
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  • "P.S. And FUCK Clarence Thomas and Bill Cosby. Fuck 'em BOTH." ...and long live Michael Eric Dyson !
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  • Great diary, Arthur. Oh, and no Iraqi ever called me a feminazi, either.
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  • It only makes sense if the American people are are enemy.
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  • The Canadian border ? No, no, no.... We only deploy troops to shoot at BROWN people.
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  • What a pleasure to follow this thread !  "I hope I'm not coming off as an anti-sex prude." I have…
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  • "..we are losing, in part, because we are not willing to use the same amount of force that Saddam used."…
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  • This observation resonates with me. There used to be a time when very few career options were open to women.…
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  • Oops.....  rationale.
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  • Wow !  That was the same number I had in mind of the hardcore braindead who could watch Bush eat…
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  • Let's start a pool:   What percentage of the American people will believe that Iran has nukes just because Dear…
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  • This was a good catch.  I wish more people were reading it.
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  • I'm days late to post on this thread, but what the heck... I had a friend from India who felt…
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  • "If you've read my earlier diaries, you'll know that my suspicions lie here.  I am pondering whether or not the…
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  • Leaked to whom ?  Do you mean Miller ?
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  • "Born A Woman" is my favourite terrible song.   For years I conducted and arranged for a group of classically…
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  • My daughter, too, hated the cookie cutter Disney girls. She went ballistic over "The Little Mermaid" because of all the…
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  • That's the problem.  It can't be consensual.  There are no heifers, ewes, or jennies dewey eyed and daydreaming about a…
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  • PLEASE tell me you're making this up.
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  • This opens the doors to de facto slavery. No, it's worse than slavery because owners had a vested interest in…
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