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    Time for American business to get over its love affair with slavery: "With traditional slavery technically outlawed, the US has…
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  • That would be WONDERFUL ! It is so beautiful now;  Mt. Madonna is a glorious picnic area: deer and birds…
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  • Most of what the fundamentalists practice is not a religious spirituality, but superstition and magical thinking.   There is a…
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  • Gilroy side. Hecker Pass Hwy.
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  • ...over the HILL.... as I obviously am.
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  • I live right over the from Watsonville.  Cool.
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  • I would like to meet...... I live south of San Jose, and can also go as far as Sacramento, and…
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  • The defensiveness of believers in the supernatural isn't really surprising.  It is not you they need to convince, but themselves.…
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  • Just when I thought nothing could make me sick anymore. Disney, Starbucks, MacDonalds : everywhere I look in America, there…
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  • You're welcome. I am thrilled if even one person reads it.  Andrea got such bad, distorted and unfair press when…
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  • I guess I do know how;  never mind.
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  • I'm so glad you wrote this diary. I kept trying myself, but I couldn't find any way to say it…
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  • Hey, you and Barbara need to lighten up.  You don't seem to appriciate how difficult it is for the right…
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  • You are so off base it would be funny if it weren't so sad. I have worked all my life…
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  • I used to go to the Saturday matinee of "Fahrenheit 911" every week for as long as it ran.  I…
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  • We all do what we can in the way that is coherent to us, Arthur. The most lasting changes come…
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  • The orange goo they put on popcorn is actually a petroleum product, dispensed by cranky counterpersons who can't smoke, either.
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  • I am SO sick of seeing Justin Timberlake's glitched stunt referred to as Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction". He tore off…
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  • No, no, not Yanni, arguably the greatest soporific since Nubutal. Wait a mo.....   Perhaps the Canadians who fall asleep…
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  • They are clearly doing something wrong if they fall alseep during the imtimate contact.
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