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    Or was that Philately? I probably raised too many issues - my mind works in footnotes or did I just…
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  • Wow - that was a major read! I think I'm missing some brain cells. But it was extremely interesting -…
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  • Anom <------the exception that proves the rule 😉 How did you evolve this talent for leading threads astray?
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  • The speed of communication exchange is a crucial factor ie the rate of feedback that allows the system to self…
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  • and thanks also to ML for a boost to mine. I am working on a major project that may facilitate…
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  • AT - my comment above was to Time Waits
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  • The technology made global sharing possible. The sphere implies an all enveloping level above the ecosphere - ie a complete…
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  • You even lost me there 😉
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  • You might be interested in looking up Operational Research - a problem solving methodology that also grew out of WWII.…
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  • Nice reference - thanks I think the craving for leadership is about how we are brought up - ie it…
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  • I am not sure how you get from their inbuilt mission for the survival of their species, to their being…
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  • What you are describing is something called the Noosphere. The Internet made it possible - a global network of knowledge…
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  • Thanks! I'll need some help on this over the weekend if there many comments, so please feel free to be…
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  • Man, are you the amphibian 😉
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  • oh that must be a typo. I worship the Greek God Typos. Shirl, I am glad we have at last…
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  • You might also ask how this place functions! Who pays the server bills, the lawyers? Where does the ad income…
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  • I certainly don't propose that SOS can replace hierarchical systems, but there are many parts of our lives that function…
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  • Ben, though I've given you a four earlier, in the hopes of encouraging you to contribute further, your comments might…
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  • I originally proposed my tax idea as a provocation to thinking about education. Problem was people took it seriously! BTW…
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  • I guess I am probably more theoretically libertarian than practically. I am far too polite to be an anarchist ;-)…
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