This is my first diary. I’m not usually one to write on message boards or post comments, but for more than a week, I’ve read every word, every post, on Katrina and its aftermath. And I’ve wanted to reply to all of them. I’m angry. And I don’t really do angry all that well. I’ve wanted to say so much, but the words were never right.

And so I turned to images and the words of others…
Last night, I made a movie that strives to say what I feel. I’ve been watching the news since last week, riveted to each new image, however horrible, as it unfolded on screen. But the last day or so, I’ve noticed a shift in the coverage. The anchors seem less angry. Horrors, though still horrible, are reported as mundane.

A dead body on the street should never cease to disturb us. What happened last week should never stop making us angry.

Watch the Video:

So, here’s my attempt at being angry (though it’s more the quiet sort of anger) and my plea that we never forget. If it speaks to anyone, or can be used to help keep the outrage alive, please feel free to pass it along, recommend, or redistribute.

And thank goodness that there are those who can be angry and loud. If you haven’t heard the “George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People” Remix, I highly recommend it. Link via boingboing.

Cross posted at Daily Kos

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