Adam Nagourney has his hit piece up on the Yearly Kos conference. It’s not hard to see his disdain for what it is going on here in Vegas. He calls the choice of Las Vegas ‘unlikely’. He calls the ballroom ‘dowdy’. He claims Markos is walking around with a media advisor (if he is, I haven’t seen him). I’ve given a couple of interviews, but if you believe Nagourney, we’re all being told what to say and fawning over bigfoot reporters.

And for whatever disdain that could be picked up toward mainstream politicians and news media, it seems fair to say that the bloggers and the people who love them were fascinated by their favorite targets. Jennifer Palmieri, a deputy White House press secretary under President Bill Clinton, held a “pundit project training,” where she told bloggers how to present themselves in television interviews — what to wear, how to sit and what to say.

Finally, he compares us to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, and Sean Hannity.

As became clear from the rather large and diverse crowd here, the blogosphere has become for the left what talk radio has been for the right: a way of organizing and communicating to supporters.

Nagourney is an idiot.

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