Here is what Riverbend has to say about the new day bush keeps describing.  I have a feeling she knows what she is talking about.  I think we all know she is right, as well.

I do know that they had a new leader for this group awfully fast, to pronounce.  Sometimes I feel like they are making us very gullible for some reason.  I do not know if they think it is necessary to do this or what is really going on in their minds.  

I have gotten home from vacation, which I did not keep up with the news very well.  I have been working all week long and still trying to catch up on things.  All I can say is, I have a lot of trouble believing everything I hear and read, as to the real context of what they want us to believe.  I have yet to verify in my own heart that this is the true news or not, that I am hearing.  I do not like what I have become with my doubts on things.  This is just not good for me, anyhow.  I just do not believe much anymore.

riverbend’s own words

I hear the news of how we are not gonna debate the war.  Well, that is sortta like getting your horse behind the cart.  This should have been done way back…oh, lets say 2002, wouldn’t one think!!???

The real reasons we went to war have been lies.  That is a proven.  The reasons have changes how many times now??????  To bring democracy to the ME is now the reason for us being there…oh give me a break!  Some countries have democracy, or democracy like government, but still they have tyrants as their leaders.

Now what is it that we went to war for?  I need to be constantly reminded of this, since we have gotten so far fetched from reality, here.  Is this not a sovereign nation we have established, finally?  So, now why is it that we are still there for?  So why is it that our dear leader has to sneak in to this sovereign nation with its dear leader unaware of his arrival?  Oh, for heavens sake, please give me another break!  

I simply can not believe, for the life of myself, that we are standing here debating this whole affair and not going after the crooks in charge for all of this façade.  Why debate it now??!!  We did what we went after and that was to free the nation and given them democracy, after the final excuse was let out, after there were not WMD’s to be found, after SH was found and arrested and his sons killed.

Really read Riverbend’s entry now, then tell me why we are still there, will you please!

Yes, we have reached a number of dead Americans to note. We are now in Iraq longer than we were in WW2, or so they say.  We were in Vietnam 10 years plus, depending our your calculation of when we actually sent advisors.

So we are now bankrupting our nation to pay for this adventure.  That is grover wanted, wasn’t it!?

We now have a supreme court that will dictate to us all what and how we all should live, from henceforth on out.  We now have a congress, made up of both parties that think we ought to just sit down and shut up, for they are the ones who knows best.  Oh for heavens sake, give me a break, y’all!  Is this what we have in our constitution, or have I read it wrongly?

Well, just let me have your opinions on what I should be thinking of nowadays.  I sure do not feel like this government of ours and I mean both parties here, know what the hell they are doing and that is is a good thing!  The more things change, the more they remain the same.

So Booman, how do you frame this one for the up coming election??!!  Since this has got to be about framing and all.  I think I will need direction as how to talk to society, if what I have already been saying is wrong, according to the big wigs of the ykos convention.  Instead of telling you and others what is truly in my heart of hearts and the facts as known facts, now we must frame this rhetoric to win.  How must we do this and stay on track of reality?  Riverbend does not seem to have any problem doing this, so why should I?!  Can someone please help me out here?

Thanks, and so good to be back.  hugs

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