When it comes to the 9-11 blame game, Condi Rice is either a
liar or stupid.  No other logical possibility accounts for her
delusional claim to the New York Post that, “We were not left a
comprehensive strategy to fight al Qaeda.”   Rice was
responding to President Clinton, who told Chris Wallace last week that
his Adminstration left the Bush Administration with a plan for dealing
with the Al Qaeda threat. 

But this ain’t a case of “He said, She said”.  There is a
documentary record and it is unambiguous.  In fact there are two
documents.  First, is the strategy itself.  Comprehensive and straightforward.  Second, is the memo
from Clarke to Rice.  For folks unaccustomed to the intricacies of
bureaucracy, this memo,
which was given to Rice on 25 Janaury 2001, is the equivalent of a
smoking mushroom cloud.  This is truly damning because it provides
the road map for the actions the Bush team should have taken but didn’t.