Ever notice how the more publicly someone proclaims their piety, and the higher the moral standard they wish to enforce on us, the more depraved they turn out to be? Evangelicals are somehow not very good at picking leaders, for themselves or our nation. Perhaps they should take some lumps about now for their role in this. It’s not enough for them to claim to have been duped. Fool me twice…

I wish that humanity would wake up that leadership that demands an impossible moral code for your behavior is doing it for 3 reasons.

  1. To control you. By providing an unreasonable, unattainable standard for your behavior, the reality of your (apparently) unstoppable sinning keeps you in their comforting, forgiving arms.
  2. Their own personal morality is so corrupt they cannot conceive that morality in our behavior could be enforced any other way but by law (no poking this or that in the following places: … ) and threat (you are going to hell). Their demons are only barely hidden, so we must be treated as their own shame secretly demands they should be.
  3. People in high religious office are all sinners. If only because they are people. All too often, they and their followers believe that their position and importance to the smoother function of society is so great that they are exempt from acting as they demand we do. To me this includes claiming to know the will of God, while for the layperson, God is defined by her unknowability. This hubris alone destroys the legitimacy of their power, as it was based on claims of a higher connection to morality or god that you or I or any human can actually have. This is why you should not listen to preachers as an absolute authority on anything. One that speaks as he were is only revealing his sad hubris and should be ignored. There is a lot to learn from a Teacher, but little from a Pastor.

Perhaps the best thing we can do for humanity is to create a robot pastor. One that says all the right things, has no foul urges and can site biblical passages and esoterica perfectly at just the appropriate moment.

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