Fuck the “vaunted GOTV effort” of the republicans.  In fact, fuck the republicans.  And while we are at it, fuck Karl, George and Dick as well.  You too, wingnuts.

Because it’s about to end.  Not “come-to-a-screeching-halt” kind of end, but this whole robbing and killing and stupidity and arrogance and violating just about everything (and everyone…) with no repercussions shit is going to end.  

We are already into that magical 72 hour GOTV time that is supposed to scare us all.  Things are looking mighty shitty for God’s Own Party.  The news is dominated now by stories about the Army Times editorialabout dumping Rumsfeld, Mr. 18%’s “stay the course” moment, and republicans losing ground.
People are finally realizing that these people are evil criminals who have gotten this country into a heap of trouble in all possible respects.  They realize that these people lied to them and shit the bed for the past 6 years.  And they are starting to realize that, frankly, it really doesn’t matter who (or even what) is running against the powers that be, it just may be worth getting up and doing something about it.  And it doesn’t matter whether it is fair to have to clean up such a monumental mess – we know they ain’t gonna make it better.

I just got back from a rally here in my town with Senator Menendez, NJ-05 candidate Paul Aronsohn and some other local Democratic candidates and officials.  My village isn’t too big (at least I don’t think so), and the rally was somewhat out of the way and in 40 degree temperature, but there were probably close to 200 people there at the peak, and dozens more over the course of the few hours.  More and more signs are popping up around town.  

Walking home from the rally, I passed by 7-8 people who were clumsily canvassing my neighborhood and I saw that they had pamphlets that had the word “vote” on it.  So as I watched three of them stand in front of an unopened door whispering to each other like nervous schoolchildren, I asked one of the others if they were canvassing, and if so, for who?  

When one guy, probably in his early 30s or late 20s, said “republicans – the republican slate” (which he seemed to be choking on those words as they were coming out) I just laughed, showed them my Aronsohn for Congress t-shirt and said, “good luck – well actually not really — I would wish you good luck but then I would be lying”, turned and walked away giggling to myself as they waited for their cohorts to realize that nobody was going to answer that front door they were still standing in front of.  Even their canvassers aren’t all that enthused.

And even though we aren’t getting much outside help (as usual), it won’t matter.  Even super-Rove and his Diebold buddies can’t stop the momentum of the disgust this country is getting from the lies and smears.

Oh – by the way, wingnuts, yes – we know the voting machines aren’t secure.  We’ve been telling your dumb asses that since 2004 but it was “tough shit, get over it” back then.  Now your whiny asses are going to cry foul?  Well, if anything is missing or doesn’t look right, you may want to check with your own party.  And anyway, you don’t get to complain, even if you are right about the issue.

We got just over two days to go.  Things are looking promising.  Two days to put another nail in the coffin and restore our democracy.  None of this caution – no doubt.  This is the time to get confident.  This is the time to step on their throats (figuratively, of course).  This is the time to bury them.

The last 72 hours.  It’s not theirs anymore.  Now, it’s ours.

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