Arrrggghhh! Everytime I think I’m done with George Bush, he pulls me back in again

This time is was Baghdad Bush who did it. Yes, Georgie was doing his most resolute imitation of Baghdad Bob.

Remember Bob? The Iraq Minister of Disinformation. Here’s a refresher:
April 5, 2003 — Baghdad Bob: “They are not near Baghdad. Don’t believe them….  They said they entered with…  tanks in the middle of the capital.  They claim that they – I tell you, I… that this speech is too far from the reality. It is a part of this sickness of their plan. There is no an… – no any existence to the American troops or for the troops in Baghdad at all.”

April 7, 2003 — Baghdad Bob: “U.S. forces learned a lesson last night they will never forget.  We slaughtered them and will continue to slaughter them.”

Well, Baghdad Bush’s most recent ‘al-Queda in Iraq’ utterance was just as pathetic and embarrassing. What Georgie refuses to admit, cannot allowance himself to, is that the world is waiting him out, He is now a cipher, someone no longer to be taken seriously. He’s an albatross even to his own party, which will become more and more apparent when Congress re-convenes in January and the GOP delegations in the Senate and House start looking to save their own necks in the next two years.

In some way, Georgie comes off as autistic or otherwise afflicted, someone who can but repeat his name, rank and serial number to any and all questions put to him.

I’m awaiting for someone in the television media to finally have endured enough, lose it and do a Howard “Network” Beale on Georgie’s continued inanities. Can’t you picture it?

    “…I’m a HUMAN BEING, Goddamnit! My life has VALUE!’ So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, [shouting] ‘I’M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!’

Hell, I’d settle for some media notable to respond directly to Georgie, “Surely you jest.”

Selfishly, I say don’t even bring up impeachment, let The Decider aka The Bush Family ‘Jewel’ aka The Bumbler keep stepping in his own s__t and making more. It’s the only two things he does well.

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