I have been hearing a lot of talk about impeachment, which seems a lovely idea to a lot of us here. Maybe it is, but I want to bring up another solution to our problem that probably would yield more results: Tax Revolt.

Since no one has come up with 10 Repugs who will shoot themselves in the foot to impeach Bush, it is NOT a more difficult option to implement. Anything is easier and more effective than the impossible.

Instead of waiting for the Godot of Democratic Party action, why not defund the war this April 15th?

The Tax Revolt of 2007 would go something like this: People organize and agree to file no return if they are unlikely to receive a refund. If real pressure comes from the gov’t individuals could pay late with little legal penalty under current law. But real pressure would be nearly impossible to exert on an individual basis if turnout was high enough.

One thing would be very clear if say 25,000 tax payers just didn’t pay up. If these guys want their precious monopoly on power to receive it’s budget, they have to start representing us.

Ultimately, a line item appropriation on each tax form would be a wonderful solution going forward. That would give individuals the power to control the spend appropriations for their contribution. In the world of computers and databases, this would not be as hard to implement as one might think.

Anyhow, I ramble. I wanted to see how people react to the idea of tax revolt as a way of empowering the populace and decentralizing the power given to the 2 parties, which obviously causes some serious systemic faults. A poll follows:

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