Our country is being led by teenagers. The U.N. Security Council is supposed to vote today on whether or not to impose sanctions on Iran for their uranium enrichment activities. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was planning to come to New York City to address the Security Council prior to their vote. So, what did Condi do? She’s ever so clever.

Mohammad Mir Ali Mohammadi, press secretary of Iran’s mission at the U.N., told The Associated Press the U.S. did not deliver a visa to the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, in time for the Iranian president to pick it up before for the council session Saturday.

Of course, our embassy official in Bern says this isn’t true.

But Daniel Wendell, a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland said Ahmadinejad’s and other Iranian officials’ passports had been handed over in Bern on Friday. Another 31 other passports for support staff were to ready later in the day. The passports would then be taken by courier to Tehran in time for the Iranians to fly to New York.

Zarif told reporters “the visas for (Ahmadinejad’s) crew were not ready yet.”

You do the math.

This is how the Partito Nazionale Bushista rolls.

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