We all have been to many of the great campaign events and enjoyed the great performances we have seen.  Well now there is a group at The Democratic Party just for performers.

cross posted at Booman Tribune, Daily Kos, refinish69, Texas Kaos, & Burnt Orange Report
Grassroots Event Performers is a place where performers of all stripes and talents, professionals and volunteers, can join this group to offer their services to candidates across the country. Let the campaigns know who you are, talk about your music and your bands. You can start a Democratic Party Builder membership for your group and add it to this list. It is a great way to tell the campaigns about your availability. Blog occasional posts with your band’s information for posterity, and keep up with events you can perform at. Use the event-listings category to post your own political performances, and help organize Democratic music events in your area. One of our goals is to have a pre-primary outdoor festival simultaneously in all of the early primary states, sometime in late September or October. 

Here is a great chance for performers to join in and make a difference in campaigns across the country.

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