
At first thought this struck me as a statement of a man as totally in touch with today as the Leave it to Beaver show.

The subject at hand of course is the now “old news” of’s pun of Gen Be-tray-us.  Well first off I think moveon to be far too kind.
I prefer to frame the entire affair in this manner.

General Petraus…do all of humanity a a man of honor, be “all you can be”, and do a Col. Theodore S. Westhusing.

The above statements in no way reflect the Lasthorseman’s endorsement of the policies and or platforms conventionally known as American “left wing” politics.
I know, check your sources but even then there is this Biblical passage.
“There will be wars, and rumors of wars”.

God has yet to call for that last Apocalyptic horse ride, let’s hope He knows better than I do.

Me, I’m still a born here, Boy Scout, American who most times considers himself a man without a country.

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