“Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.”

  — Mark 10:14

The cesspool of vitriolic evil that comes from the lunacy of the radically unhinged — those who so often tout the importance of “family values” yet staunchly fail to promote or defend anything remotely resembling an actual “value” — has come alive, foaming at the mouth and conducting focused attacks upon two young children and their family. The curtain has been pulled away, and the creature behind it revealed for what it truly is: an un-evolved cretin, wearing a fleshy mask of humanity in an effort to blend in with the rest of the human race, but screeching an ungodly hypocrisy that is no longer hidden behind by a veil of illusion.

These are the same people who support an illegal war. These are the same people who forsake the freedoms our forefathers fought to provide this nation over 200 years ago. These are the same people who call themselves Christians and Patriots while undermining the fundamental teachings of Christ and subverting our Constitution.

They call themselves “conservatives.” They call themselves Republicans…

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

  — Mahatma Gandhi [1]

There are outraged comments flying across the blogosphere, clogging the tubes from every direction. “Righteous indignation” by the radical lunatics as they attack blindly, then suffer the slings and arrows of retaliatory realization that they have, yet again, blundered mightily.

These are the Keyboard Kommandos and the pundit-class mouthpieces of the Republican Party of today. Get to know them well; keep a record of what they’ve said and how they’ve acted, because they — the “righteous” ones, the “moral” ones — they lie. They lie a lot. And they support lying by those they love if it gets them what they believe is rightfully theirs. They support murder and theft, too — note their support and justification for the Iraq war, and their support of attempts to carry water for an Administration dead-set on initiating hostilities with Iran.

Is that what it means to be moral? Is that that it means to be compassionate or conservative or Christian? Because, frankly, if it is — then they can all go to hell together, the sooner the better.

The recent brouhaha over Graeme Frost and his family reminded me of the piece that I wrote early in January of this year — a piece I’ve already recently referred back to — called Bless the beastly little children of a lesser god than mine.[2] Now, I almost feel that it needs to be reprinted everywhere it originally appeared, with the smiling and stupid sh!t-eating grins of the moronic jackasses who inspired it plastered all over the page.

These “people” are not Americans. They aren’t Christians. They aren’t Patriotic.

They are neither compassionate nor conservative.

They do not speak for America. They do not care about our people. They cater to their own self-important, arrogant aristocracy and foment their culture of hatred and oppression simply to support themselves and augment their own self-inflated egos. Their words are lies, proven and exposed time and again.

Rush Limbaugh. Michelle Malkin. Ann Coulter. Bill O’Reilly. Name a few more — those in the media who support and work to protect the precious few (and dwindling) hate-spewing puss-brained fear-mongering assclowns who, miraculously, managed to sieze command and control of so much of our once-great nation.

They are an infected, cancerous boil that spreads diseased thought and ideas unchecked throughout the body politic. We must lance that boil, clean the wound and apply copious amounts of disinfectant. Reject their poison by loudly attacking it with truth. Bring mirrors — they fear their own reflections, which show them their sin and make it obvious to all much like the portrait of Dorian Gray.

Mitch McConnell. Lincoln Diaz-Balart. David Vitter. Larry Craig. Mark Foley. Pete V. Domenici. Conrad Burns. Bill Frist. Rick Santorum. Lisa Murkowski. Ted Stevens. …and, unfortunately, many others beyond good old fall-backs like Tom DeLay or Dennis Hastert. These are the actual viri (viruses), the collection of sick, demented, twisted and manipulative agents of destruction and change that have wrought more damage to our national psyche than a parade of pink elephants in tutus could inflict upon a field of crystal flowers.

It’s time to administer a massive, organic anti-viral enema and clear these dangerous obstructions out of the bowel of this country before the backup of bile and disingenuous, patronizing propaganda permanently shuts down our capacity to act and react as a nation of people acting together as one.

They are the party of pundits, propaganda, pedantic semantics and divisiveness.

We are better than that.

We must be better than that, and resist their poisonously addicting call toward childish antics.

The piece Bless the Beastly Little Children of a Lesser God Than Mine was originally crossposted on DailyKos, ePluribus Media, Street Prophets and My Left Wing. This piece shall be published to the same spots, plus Docudharma, BooMan Tribune and NION. I’ll attend comments as I’m able, but keep in mind the distinctions made above, and share this piece (with appropriate attribution, please) as widely as you can.  Thank you.



1. From WikiQuote. Full quote:

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. The materialism of affluent Christian countries appears to contradict the claims of Jesus Christ that says it’s not possible to worship both Mammon and God at the same time.
          o As quoted by William Rees-Mogg in The Times [London] (4 April 2005). Gandhi here makes reference to a statement of Jesus: “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Luke 16:13)

2. Originally crossposted on DailyKos, ePluribus Media, Street Prophets and My Left Wing.

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