It must be Friday or the dog days of summer because you just can’t make this stuff up, as hard as you try.

These blurbs need a proper due…um headline, caption, chuckle or comment:

Senators David Vitter (R-LA)and Larry Craig (R-Idaho) join in sponsoring, re-introducing the Federal Marriage Ammendment to the Constitution to protect the institution of marriage (HT: Carpetbagger Report)

OKaay what’s your definition of family values?

Tough to do, indeed: Photographer documents secret satellites – all 189 of them, then puts on a display at UoC, Berkeley Art Museum

The City North Oaks, Minnesota has a legal tiff with Google: Remove our city from your maps

Why did the ATF raid Blackwater’s armory in NC? Turns out the Company was caught selling Romanian AK-47s Under the table

“The private military company Blackwater has found an unusual way to skirt federal laws that prohibit private parties from buying automatic weapons. Blackwater bought 17 Romanian AK-47s and 17 Bushmasters, gave ownership of the guns to the Camden County sheriff and keeps most of the guns at Blackwater’s armory in Moyock.

Greed floweth but where’s our cut? The U.S. government-funded Al Hurra Arabic news channel paid former White House Aides, Washington journalists to appear as commentators

A number of payments went to people tied to the White House and the Republican Party. Chad Kolton, a former spokesman for the Director of National Intelligence and Federal Emergency Management Agency; Trent Duffy, President Bush’s former deputy press secretary; Jennifer Millerwise Dyck, a former aid to Vice President Cheney and former CIA spokeswoman, and Terry Holt, the spokesman for Bush-Cheney 2004, were among those paid to appear.

Morton Kondracke, the conservative commentator and executive editor of Roll Call; David Corn, the Washington bureau chief of Mother Jones, and Washington Times reporters Bill Gertz and Joseph Curl also made paid appearances on Alhurra in the last six months.

Alhurra, a 24-hour satellite station, was founded by the Bush administration four years ago to project a positive image of the United States to Middle East viewers. Despite lagging ratings, management shake-ups and incomplete financial records, Alhurra’s budget has nearly doubled to $112 million since it went on air in 2004.

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