FISA was an ugly episode.  It included things I don’t like, and was passed in a spineless and stupid manner.

What’s done is done.

FISA is done, and we cannot undo it.  What will happen is that someone will sue about it, and it might get overturned.  But I doubt that.

It’s time to move on, and get back to the election. We must remember that this bill would never happen under Obama (and, please, if you don’t agree, write your own diary).  We must get back to the process of getting Obama elected.

We must have a larger Senate majority.

We must have a larger House majority.

We must win the POTUS.

I am hoping that no more FISA diaries are written. Dwelling on the past in politics is pretty useless. Who wants to go back and dwell on this unpleasant episode, which divides us and comforts our enemy? Better to move on and find things that help our side.

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